Introducing an easier way to sort your content and discovering streamers on ViuLive with categories and tags.

As the ViuLive community grows, we want to make it easier for the audience to discover the content and streamers they’ll love. Today, we are launching a newly revamped UI focusing on the user’s overall experience for both streamers and the audience.

Previously, we have already introduced tags as a way to discover specific streamers and content. However, we realized that tags can be too subjective to narrow down the contents that appeal to a specific audience group. Today, with the release of the new version of the app, we have launched a new UI that supports categories to better aid streamers in classifying their streams and for the audience to choose the most appealing content to watch.


Categories help the streamers to classify their broadcasts based on the contents. We have segmented this into a few major ones, such as:

Streamer category UI
Streamer category UI
  • Sports
  • Gaming
  • Lifestyle
  • Arts, music and entertainment
  • News, events, and travel
  • Pets and animals
  • Education
  • General

These separated categories help the audience narrow the search on the content they wish to watch. Once a category is selected, it will only display the VODs that have been assigned to that category. Hence, viewers don’t have to spend time scrolling through videos that are not relevant to what they are interested in.

Category UI for audience
Category UI for audience


Tags help you to further differentiate your desired stream from the rest. Let’s take a specific example in the pc gaming category. In an instance where 5 streamers are playing the same game as you are, including tags helps to further make your stream appealing compared to others.

Tags help to specify your stream content to the audiences when browsing through the “gaming” category. Like the stream title itself, tags can be filled and customized in the caption page itself before the content creator starts streaming.

New stream UI:

A whole new revamped stream UI
A whole new revamped stream UI

We have also launched a dramatically new UI aimed to make live streaming on our platform more straightforward and increase its overall user-friendliness. Gone! is the old requirement to have to specify a camera brand and name it. The RTMP code generation is automatic and more straightforward. All you need to do is to add as many cameras as needed.

Easily add RTMP stream sources by clicking the "Add RTMP Streams" button.
Easily add RTMP stream sources by clicking the “Add RTMP Streams” button.
Generated RTMP URL and Stream key.

For the gaming category, the RTMP is also automatically set to display the stream key as is required for software mixers such as OBS, Vmix, xsplit, and so on.

Generated RTMP URL and Stream key for encoders/software mixers
Generated RTMP URL and Stream key for encoders/software mixers

As we wrap up, it’s clear that ViuLive is taking streaming to the next level with its exciting new features. The introduction of Tags and also Categories will revolutionize the way we discover and explore content, ensuring that we can easily find exactly what we’re looking for. And let’s not forget about the sleek and user-friendly streaming UI that will enhance our viewing experience like never before.

Moreover, Get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating realm of ViuLive and unlock a treasure trove of incredible content. Experience the future of streaming today and let ViuLive be your ultimate companion in the entertainment world.

Discover, explore, and stream like never before with ViuLive. Your journey to extraordinary entertainment starts now!